(a)“I, Miriam Leon, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 33 hours of work.”
(b) My Mentor, Mrs. Sosa, helped me complete the independent component.
(c) Updated Independent Component 2 Log link
(d) I completed 33 hours of hands on work with a small group of students as well as with the rest of the class. I taught a small group of four students during math time. These students had specific limitations, so my mentor thought it would be best for them to do their learning with me. Diana only speaks Spanish, Itzel is extremely shy and distracted, Eric has trouble paying attention, and Julio has a difficult temperament. Smaller groups mean more one-on-one and individualized teaching for them.
(e) Defend your work and explain the component's significance and how it demonstrates 30 hours of work. Provide evidence (photos, transcript, art work, videos, etc) of the 30 hours of work.
Keeping the classroom clean.
Class watching example before they go work on their own.
Diana, Itzel, and Julio. The kids I mostly worked with.
APPLIED(f)How did the component help you answer your EQ? Please include specific examples to illustrate how it helped.
- My EQ is; how can a kindergarten teacher create a positive learning environment? My mentor has done just that througout her years of teaching, so spending time helping and observing her methods gave me insight. I actually came up with my answers to my EQ based off of what I saw in the class and from interviews i had with Mrs. Sosa. I taught one small group of kids math for most of my independent component hours, but I also did assessments, projects, and basic lesson prep. Working with the same kids helped me learn a lot about each of them individually. I took what I saw and then tailored the way I taught them to meet their needs. For example, Diana doesn't know much English, so I translated. Itzel is shy and disracted, so I would encourage her by keeping her attention on me with hands on learning such as using blocks to count or white boards to write her answers. Julio has a difficult temperament, so I would offer rewards to reinforce good behavior. Overall, all this hands on work really helped me.